About Us


Our mission is to help women establish a new beginning in sobriety, free from alcohol.

We are a group of women and men from the North San Diego County area who have seen firsthand the devastation and ultimate ruin that alcoholism has on the lives of women. Most of us are in recovery from alcoholism ourselves and simply want to pay forward the time and effort that was spent on us to help us regain our lives. Some of us have been on the sidelines helplessly watching as our mothers, daughters, sisters and friends lose everything to this disease. We all agree on one absolute truth, that no woman suffering from the effects of active alcoholism is beyond hope.

After witnessing countless miracles happen at our Men’s counterpart (The First Step House of North County), we decided it was time to offer the same opportunity for a path to recovery to women. Time and time again, we watched as men came in from the depths of despair and left with the seeds of recovery firmly planted. They left with a host of support, options for continued recovery and hope in their hearts. To see this same transformation come to fruition in the lives of suffering women is our primary purpose and goal.

Although we started as just a few, we are now many, and we are fully committed to giving women a safe and warm home in which to begin their recovery, and most importantly a real chance at a beautiful life.

Our Core

  • We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which is 100% privately funded to preserve autonomy and ensure proper focus.
  • Volunteers are the heart of our program. Our home is run by an all-volunteer committee of sober, kind, and devoted women.
  • We are passionate about getting women on the road to recovery; about giving to them what was freely given to us.

Our Board of Directors

If you are interested in learning more about being a member of our Board of Directors, please email director@wfshnc.org and we’ll respond to you as soon as we are able.

President Keith McGuire
Vice President (Marketing & Technology): Kyra Caskey
Treasurer: Dan McSwain
Secretary Debbie York
Outreach Leanna Ponto
Member-At-Large: OPEN

Member-At-Large: OPEN